Currently, Azur Lane has Major Event featuring Ultra Rare ship on it. So i won't miss this opportunity to get it. Gacha on Azur Lane seem tame to me, if compared to other game I played. Even if this game has no guaranteed system, I still get most event featured ship easily. Except when I'm just unlucky that time.
Like on event Aurora Noctis first run. That I'm spending much cube until depleted, but I'm not getting other ship I want. Because I'm getting too much (love from) Perseus, that even following me on recent rerun. And I still save another copy from recent rerun.
Another event like Khorovod of Dawn's Rime when I'm not get Kirov. Also some rerun event like Microlayer Medley rerun and Skybound Oratorio rerun. Which including one or two new ship alongside all ship that I already have. But none of new ship obtained.
UR Ship Actually Has Pity System, This Good or Bad?
But this time maybe different. Because UR ship has pity system per 200 build. That the good news, and the bad news I need 400 cubes to reach it. Not forget that still need coin too. Also I have spend too much on previous event. I hope this will going well.
May 26, 2022
This could be like Rondo at Rainbow End starting point if I have 90,000 coins. But I could only do 30 build with current resource.
Yay, get Indomitable on first 10 build. This is rare opportunity to come by. And i also get North Carolina copy for it limit break.
May 29, 2022
This is it! Got Revenge and another copy of it. Also got copy of Minneapolis, I think I haven't fully limit break it. So that maybe not ended scrapped.
I not getting event ship, just that another copy of Nagato and the others. But hey look at that! I got new ship, that not bad at all.